Are you feeling insecure about making a significant life change and want to know what actions to take?
Are you ready to find out what is at the root of the challenges and obstacles in your life?
Together, we will identify the core issues holding you back and keeping you stuck in unhealthy patterns.
In this one-on-one session, we will work with your team of Angels and Spiritual Guides to get the answers that you seek.
Some typical areas of Focus are:
Fear, Anxiety & Limiting Beliefs
Spiritual Development & Intuitive Gifts
Life Challenges & Major Transitions
Manifestation & Future Potential
Personal Growth & Self-Awareness
Relationship Dynamics
Career & Finances
Health & Well-Being
As Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioners, we encounter many situations that are not covered in many popular Past Life Regression Techniques.
Clients have Trauma from this lifetime that needs to be worked through before progressing into Past/Parallel or multi-dimensional life discovery. Some clients may have low-frequency energies, Entities, implants, and/or artificial technologies that may have made their way in from fractures or cracks in our Auric or Energetic fields due to physical or emotional trauma that they have experienced throughout this lifetime or past lifetimes. In most cases, these attachments do not allow the Client to progress successfully into the Theta Brainwave state of deep meditation. Clients need these Entity attachments removed, their Chakras Re-balanced and their Aura Re-sealed before we are able to progress further with the healing session across the Quantum field.
Soul Center Healing Hypnosis (S.C.H.H.) Technique ensures that any Traumas and Entities are dealt with and any Energetic Adjustments are made prior to us embarking on the Past Life Journey and the Higher Self Questions.
What your session includes:
We begin the session by taking some time to get to know a little about you. We will chat about your family history, any health concerns you may have, review the questions you wish to ask your higher self, and answer any final questions you may have.
After a quick bathroom break, you will get into a comfortable position and you will be guided through some full body relaxation techniques to ensure you are completely relaxed, and then we will move into relaxing the mind, slowly taking you into the Theta brainwave state.
This portion of your session will last 1-2 hours and will be unique and perfect for what is most important for you to learn and experience. We will spend the first part of your session clearing any dense or negative energies caused by traumas, grief, anger or fears.
Using Visualization techniques, we will explore any lifetimes that are important for you to see at this time. Some clients may not experience any past lives as they require more time spent in the healing part of their session.
The final part of your journey will be to connect with your higher self and team of light to receive the answers to your most important questions and provide any additional healing that higher self deems necessary.
Once your session is complete, you will be guided back to everyday awareness allowing your consciousness to reintegrate with your physical body. Once you are feeling awake and refreshed, we will take some time to discuss your session and any questions you may have.
You will receive an audio recording of your session within 1-2 days via dropbox so you can listen to it and continue to receive the healing energy of the session.
Your session will take place online via Zoom thus allowing for the client to be hypnotized in the comfort of their own home, making it a much more relaxing experience.
What is the Aromatouch Technique?
The AromaTouch Technique® is the application of essential oil to the back and feet. The essential oils used in the AromaTouch Technique were chosen for their individual and combined aromatic properties, allowing for an unparalleled grounding experience.
Dr. David K. Hill, the creator of the AromaTouch Technique® is a leading expert on the use of essential oils for medicinal benefit. The technique was created to manage four system constants that are common factors of illness. These factors are stress, toxic insult, inflammatory response, and autonomic imbalance.